Thursday, March 22, 2012

Someone Like You...

It's fine, I'll find... someone like YOUUUU!!!

Why would someone want another version of the man that broke their heart because they didn't love them enough?
How would that make the new man feel to know he was chosen by her simply because he was similar to the man she's really in love with?
Not I, says Andrea, Andrea would want a different man entirely, someone who sticks with you through thick and thin, a man that doesn't operate on feelings and emotions but on good decency and common sense. 

he world is just messed up these days with how they operate their dating system. How long is it going to take them before they realize something's gotta change? HM? 

People often say, "Andrea, you need to get out more (in the world), so you can meet people."
And, "how do you know who you're going to marry if you don't date?"

I don't think I want to go out into the world to find a husband that's supposed to be apart from the world.
So, go to Church! Church? Shouldn't your reason to go to Church be to worship God and to be encouraged and strengthened by His word? Not to seek out a spouse?
If your motive for Church-going is to find a husband, please don't go at all.
I do admit, Church is a fine place to meet a fine man to marry, but this shouldn't be your goal. And it isn't mine. Aside from that, my Church is televised on the internet so it's not as though I can jump right through and go man-hunting there.
So your plans have been foiled for my Church-finding-husband-hunting.

So, how do I know who I'm going to marry if I don't get "out" and if I don't date?
People...Please. It's the 21st century, when are you going to get with a program? There is a system out there that is undeniably the single most prestigious way of finding your future spouse.

The internet?
NIGH!!! Would you de-technify your mind for a moment and listen?
God. God is the best way to find your spouse, He's the universe's most awesomest match-maker.
I know you have to know people in order to marry them, and that's not my problem. But I'm not going to run out to Wal-Mart in a cold sweat, afraid I'm going to miss my opportunity to meet my guy!
I just know, when the time is right, I will be introduced to him.
The key is to not be on the prowl, but also be open to opportunities. NOT opportunities to attack, what are you thinking?
Opportunities to listen to the Lord's guidance.

I was thinking about relationships tonight. Some people are of the mind (and I have been once) that you shouldn't even consider a person unless God puts them right in front of you, yells at you, gives you a ton of signs and then, finally, hits you over the head with a 2x4 (or, tossed a rock out of the sky saying "Marry Mr. Jones").
But God's not going to just force a man or woman on you.
Does He do that with anything else?
Think about it before answering, this is a test.
The answer is NO, of course not.
God doesn't force salvation or baptism of the holy Ghost on anyone. He doesn't force a job on you, He doesn't force a spouse on you.
I've likened salvation as a gift God gives. It's a cute little box with a ribbon and everything! And He wants to give it to you. It's a free gift.
But it's not forced on you. God sets the present in front of you and says, "here, I'd like you to have this."
It is your choice to choose to accept it.
When you repent and accept salvation you stand up, cross the room, thank Him for the present, and open it!
True story, bro.

Relationships are the same.
A spouse is the same.
God will pair you with the best person possible--He only wants the best for us!
When the time comes He will wrap my guy up in a neat little package and say, "Andrea, if you'd like, here's a guy for you!"
Just the same, He will present me to a dashingly wonderful, charming, smoldering man and say, "you're an idiot if you don't accept this." (baha, baha, just being a little unrealistic).
At that time it'll be both our choices to accept each other.

God doesn't lay down the law and say, "you guys marry or I'm gonna spank you!"
So we have to be open to accept His suggestion. You have to take that step, in faith. You have to say, "okay, God, if you think this is a good match, let's see what happens. Hi person, how are you?" Then you get to know the guy.
You don't have to get married right then and there, you walk into this (you don't run) with faith as your guide.
You see, there? It has nothing to do with emotions. Do not let your emotions dictate to you.
Now, there could be a chance that God shows a woman to a man before He speaks to the woman about it, or the other way around.
And then it's up to that person to take a step in that direction, cautiously, but out of faith.
When two people are listening to the Lord, and walking by faith, you really can't mess up.
The key is to listen. To be still, to wait on the Lord.
That's what I'm doing, waiting on the Lord.
Open to possibilities, but not searching.
Just, content.

Never expect a man to fill a void in your life.
You need to get to a point where God fills up all the little holes and cracks in your heart and soul and mind.
Sometimes I would think, "it would be easier if I had a special someone to go through this with."
But then I'm reminded, I have Christ to go through everything with. You need to be able to say, "God, You are more than enough." Because there will be times in your marriage that your husband might not be there, he might be on a business trip or in town buying milk when you need someone right away, or he could be fishing and his phone fell in the lake, any number of things. You can't come to rely so heavily on any single one person except Jesus Christ. He is the only one that will be by your side 24/7.
Yes, bearing one another's burdens is in the Bible, praying for each other and lifting each other up is crucial! But I'm saying, in those moments when, perhaps, someone cannot be reached, when God HAS to be enough, you have to be in the habit of turning to Him and dealing with whatever you're doing because Christ IS more than enough.

Brothers and sisters in Christ are a most excellent gift and I couldn't imagine going through life on this Earth without their fellowship and Godly council. But what if you do become too reliant on them and you find yourself without? Say the olde stranded on an island stand-by? Really, you have to think of these things.
So that's what I mean, that here, now, before you're married, you need to rely on Christ entirely for all your needs and not expect a husband to come along and complete your life. (Oh, but it WILL be wooonnderful).
There could also be a time when your husband needs spiritual encouragement from you! What happens if you're used to going to him for all your help and he's like, "help me T.T I don't know what to do!" And you're like, "I don't know either! T.T"
Ah-ha! But you will be smart and so practiced in the art of turning everything over to the Lord that you will point your husband to Him, as well, and in so doing you will both be more strengthened for it.

So, be encouraged. And don't date <_<

P.S. There's still so much to be said on this topic, so if I didn't explain something properly and what you've got out of this is that the anti-christ is coming after Bullwinkle's shuts down then we can safely guess that's not what I meant and you should ask me to clarify. 

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