Sunday, May 13, 2012

Billowing Curtains

Hello Jimmy!
Well, I'm back from my sabbatical.
What was my sabbatical, you ask? No idea.
Well, it wasn't much of a sabbatical, but more or less laziness. But I like to call that laziness uninspiration. I moved my furniture around to a position I THOUGHT was appropriate, but you see, precious, if the desk isn't perfectly so, my writer's mind just does not work. Really. EVEN if I use my computer on my bed or anywhere else in my room, my writer's mind is sitting at my desk and my desk has to be exactly so.
I tell you the truth! It was in a corner and only had a partial view out the window. For so long I've had writer's block or writer's apathy. But I drag my brothers in here and in ten minutes I had my desk back in front of the window and, viola, here I am! It's amazing.

Say, Jim, what'd you do for Mother's day? This is what I did! I glued seed packets on dowels to make a flower bouquet. Hopefully, if taken care of, the flowers will last a long long time! I got all perennials so that will help, and my Mother is such a green thumb, I have great hopes for them.

There are milk and dark chocolates in the bottom of the vase. I'm that good.

It is truly Spring/Summer here in the North. And I'm loving ever second of it. I even opened my window!
See? This is what a REAL writer's desk looks like--I mean where it should be. RIGHT in front of the window. Ah, so perfect.

So, I've been basically busy. I've fixed my crown molding so that the nails aren't showing (filled them with caulking). And I painted my molding and painted my ceiling.
I have just a tad bit more of details to do, but then my room will be finished! YAY!
Well, finished for now..
You can see the top where I caulked, and the bottom yet to be. It makes a big difference!!

Painting over my scripture...I've turned into such a heathen. And--what's this?? My foot??


This was my thought regarding the Swiss Coffee paint I was using for my trim.

GOLDEN fan. No thanks!

I couldn't help myself. The off-white ceiling was getting to me!!!

Pulling apart that fan was an annoyance I shan't suffer myself through again.

Tada! oh, yes, the blades look blue in comparison to my white ceiling so now I have to paint them as well.

So, wasn't that lovely?
Other things I've been doing includes riding bikes, nothing, nothing and milking a cow!
Yes. I milked a real live cow. They said she was a small cow, but she looked like a mammoth to me!! I was so freaked out to get that close to it, but once I started, milking was fun!
I also posted a color test, remember? Well, if you don't, then you must take a look! 
Now take a moment to look it over and decide what number is my favorite. 
And below, I shall reveal it.





keep going! It's a huge secret!!!



                         i am number FOUR
A close second was number 2. But definitely number 4. To further prove that point, I went out yesterday and did something I don't remember ever doing in my life--I bought fingernail polish. Wouldn't you know, it's basically the same shade as number 4, almost a mix between 4 and 2 but I thought it was funny I should find that color.
Anyways, this is where I close for now.
I hope you have a wonderful day, James, and wish your family all the best.


  1. haha. loved this post. bummed i didn't guess the color right. sigh.

  2. It's alright, the color you guessed was nice in the picture and a close call, too. I don't like it in real life, though.

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