Sunday, August 14, 2011

"You are a Lunatic."

This is an account of preaching, but know that I probably won't get all quotes verbatim and don't remember all details in exact chronological order.

As you may know, I had plans to go street preaching last Sunday, but they didn't work out. This Sunday was my brothers' tennis tournament. But, luckily, that was in the morning. I hijacked my brother to take me to the lake to preach afterwards. I just wanted him there to have someone around, just in case. I had been up in the air about whether or not to bring someone when I heard from three separate people that I should probably take my brother, so I figured that out of the mouths of two or three witnesses the truth is established, so I ought to take my brother!

So at almost 1:30 we got to the park. Nick set up his chair and drinks. I had nothing else to do but preach. But I was unnerved. I've never done this before, open-air anyway, and it was nerve wracking not having another preacher there to start me off. And, here was the dilemma: The lake and the park are separated by a cement walkway and a cement wall. At the lake the waves and sound of people having fun was a bit noisy, at the park there was a CONCERT going on! A concert! So I was a little disconcerted since I didn't think there would be anyone around to hear, the quietest place didn't have very many people. So I called my Buddy for encouragement. I told her about it and she basically just said go where people might hear me and then I started getting super nervous, to the point of tears! But she said the worst thing that could happen is I say nothing at all and the people don't hear the truth. This reaffirmed my resolve. I worked up my mentality by telling her where I was going to go, "I'm going over there, see it? I'm going to stand on that thing (pointing to the cement wall as if she can see)" "Oh, good, stand on something." "And I'm going to read a verse then start preaching!"

That was the hardest part, starting. And I knew it, everyone told me, and I told myself. But just because someone says it's hard, doesn't make it easier! So I made Nick move further down because I wanted him in front of me, sort of to have someone speak to. Then I jumped up on the wall. The sense of being a sort of center of attention caused my legs to wobble just a little, but I steadied myself and opened up my Bible. I don't even remember what verse I read, as I read a lot throughout the course of the hour. But from there I just started preaching against sin. At first I was super nervous, I was standing in one place and just yelling against sin, and encouraging people to live righteously, after about fifteen minutes I started to settle down. I'd stop speaking abruptly, and when that would happen I'd open my Bible and look for another verse, I used a few such as "today is the day for salvation.", "These times of ignorance the Lord has winked at but now commands all men everywhere to repent." and the like. After finding a verse to quote I'd wait until people were walking by as there would be times when people were scarce. I quoted John 8:11 often, which has Jesus saying, "go and sin no more." I also quoted the verse about not eating at the table of the devils and the table of Christ. A man was sitting near me and seemed to be listening. After a little while I went to Nick for water as my throat was getting dry. When I went back the man stood and asked me how I memorized all the Bible verses. I told him that I'd been a Christian since I was about 7 and have been living in the truth since around 2005 or 2007 (it was actually 2006 so I guess I got it right). Then he asked how long I've been preparing for preaching and I said, "about two weeks." I explained that once I get the Word of God in my brain that the Holy Spirit can bring it back to remembrance, as long as I'm getting the verses in there He'll have a lot to work with. The man then explained the verse about being delivered up and not worrying about what to say. I said, "sure, we're not supposed to worry about what to say at any time, not just in front of judges, but in front of anyone, anywhere." Then he said I could be taken into custody and sent to a judge. I answered, "well, this is a public place, isn't it?" He said yes. "Then I'm free to speak here. If a police officer were to come and say I can't then I'd leave." He asked me what church I went to and I told him I didn't go to church because I hadn't found a good one that preaches truth and felt that "churches" could be a little too into going through the motions. He asked about tithes and I told him that tithing had been set up for the Levites to make provision for them. I'm not exactly sure what else I said but then he said I was doing a good job and I thanked him and went back to my place on the wall.
By around this time a man, about 30, who had been sitting nearby walked up to me and said, "you're a lunatic, really." as he pointed to his head then walked away. For a moment I felt a little discouraged, but then I reminded myself that this was going to happen, these things will happen when you are preaching the Truth.

I continued on. And I noticed a little girl of about 13, maybe 14, wearing some pretty awesome pink shoes, stop and listen. Since most of the hearers were passersby I saw no harm in repeating myself. Some girls in bikinis kept walking by, one in particular was wearing a silver bikini, she walked past with her friends often throughout the hour, mostly hiding their smirks and trying not to laugh. The pink shoe girl came a little closer and, eventually, sat on the wall about 8 feet away from me. I'd look over at her a few times and she seemed to be a hungry listener, the sin message wasn't scaring her away.
I continued to speak about everyone's free will choice, I told them that life and death were in front of them and urged them to choose life. Some people walked by, embarrassed, others gave small nods or smiles.
Then a shirtless guy started walking straight for me. I was like, "oh, great, he's going to push me off the wall," but I continued to speak, until he was right in front of me! But no pushing commenced, instead I stopped preaching and gave him my attention, he then said that Jesus Christ had changed his life. At first I thought he was joking, but then I said, "praise the Lord!" He then said he liked what I was doing and said I would be blessed. I thanked him and shook his hand then continued to preach.

After a little past halfway through, my voice started to get a little squeaky and I was taking more water breaks. Pink shoe girl had left and I felt a little disappointed. I continue to preach against sin, telling people that everyone would give an account in front of Jesus on judgment day, they'd have to answer for their actions, whether good or bad. I explained that when God says, "why did you do this?" They'd have to say, "because I loved sin more than I loved You, Lord." And then He would say, "depart from Me you doer of iniquity." I asked everyone if they were ready to account for their lives/sins. Pink shoe girl came back with a drink and I was happy to see her return to her seat on the wall and listen intently. I continued to preach and the silver bikini girl walked by, twice, with her iphone, recording me. I wasn't very happy about being recorded but was sure to start over and say some good things about judgment and sin whenever I saw her. You know, if I'm going to be recorded, might as well be caught saying something good. Then the Lunatic man walked up again and said, "do you have a light?" as he held a cigarette. "No." "Do you smoke cigarettes?" "No." "Oh.." then walked away. He reminded me of my brother when he was about 10. He constantly asked me now brother-in-law, "do you drink beer? Do you smoke cigarettes? Are you a Christian?" This lunatic man was acting like a 10 year old.

Then a girl walked up and said, "what are you doing." I simply answered, "preaching." And she walked away. 
Finally, as it neared an hour of preaching, I started getting tired, my verses became a little mixed up and Nick almost called me in early because I was just over-all acting tired. I preached another 15 minutes. And then wrapped it up. The pink shoe girl was still sitting there so I grabbed a spare Bible I had (courtesy of Justin Buddy) and walked over to her, "do you have a Bible?" I asked, "yes, well I have an app" She said, handling her iphone. I nodded then asked if she had any questions. "Well, kind of." So I sat down next to her and she said that I was talking about not sinning then asked, "how do you not sin?" I explained that in the old testament people had to kill animals to cover their sins and that people, today, think that's what Jesus' blood does. But it actually cleans away the sin. I then explained that Jesus gives us a way out of temptation and showed her 1 Corinthians 10:13 then 1 John 1:9 and 2:1, explaining that we are not to sin but that IF we sin we can repent for it and get back on track. I told her it takes a lot of practice and not to get down on yourself if you mess up. And that God can help, and you can ask Him for help because John says that seek and ye shall find, knock and it will be opened unto you, ask and it will be given. I asked her if there were any more questions and she said "no, not really." She told me that she thought I was really cool for being out here and doing the preaching, I felt encouraged; The comment made up for the lunatic one. But I told her that I wouldn't have been able to do it without God. I then said goodbye and God bless and we parted ways.

On the walk back the the truck Nick said that I was acting really tired and almost called me in early. He also mentioned there were a few guys walking super close to me and he was about ready to pounce, thinking they might push me off the wall. Then he commented on my getup and said I did look a little strange, or something to that affect. I was wearing a gray jean skirt because I wanted to be modest and not call any wrong attention to myself, I explained that to him. Plus, my jeans were in the drier. Next time I'll have to go in a preppy jean skirt (still a modest length) so as not to look like a nerd. ;)
I was also thinking of things I could have said, could have done, that would have been good. I was worrying about the pink shoe girl, hoping I gave her the right stuff. But then I remembered that I can pray for her, and I will. Everything else can be worked on.

So, praise the Lord for giving me the boldness to go out and say what needed to be said. I look forward to honing my preaching skills and only getting better and better so that the gospel can be preached more swiftly and clearly. 


  1. that's awesome. Maybe you sparked some big interests in the girl and encouraged her some way :)

  2. I hope I did, sometimes she comes up in my thoughts, even now, and I pray for her.


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