Okay, so "butt" is actually a bad word in our family. My younger brothers aren't allowed to say it so I try to keep my potty-mouth to a minimum when around them. Though I, personally, don't think it's all that bad, though maybe sounds a little crass. I like to use it when it's funny.
But, in this case, it really was kick-butt..ox time!
Let me explain. I had a dream that my dad told me I am carrying too much sugar weight. Considering my brothers are obsessed with the evils of sugar, and the fact that sugar is, really, not all that great for you, I'm not surprised I had this dream. I started running four years ago. I had lost 45 lbs. It was awesome. Last year around May was the skinniest I've ever been--and I felt GREAT!
Sadly. Something happened. Not sure what, but it spiraled downhill, I got lazy and then add the soups and cookies I always make during the long, snowy, cozy... delicious... wonderful... NO! Bad, BAD winters. Bad! You get the idea. I love winter, it's one of my favorites, I love the snow! Not such a fan of the cold, but it's all the reason to make delicious soups that stew in the kitchen all day, you walk in from the snow and ladle a bowlful, mmmmm. So, you see, you don't have to be a detective to understand HOW I gained back 10 of those lbs! And then, this is what gets me the most, I gain back another 10 over the SPRING! ugh. I'm so fed-up with myself. After all my hard work!
Anyways, that's why I say: It's kick b-u-t-t time. Pun intended. Because I've altered my run from joggyish running to kicking and screaming and running and rar-I-want-work-this-stupid-20-lbs-off! Almost literally, my feet kick my tookus. It's an effective workout. My Buddy (aka BFF) had mentioned wanting to stretch out her legs, take longer strides, while on her runs, and that's what inspired me. Yes, my buddy runs too, isn't she awesome?
Also, I have a shirt that says, "this is my kick butt shirt" I'm almost ashamed of it, but secretly proud of it. Alright, I love it! Buddy and I got them at a Nike store--yes, we wear matching clothes, aren't we awesome? No, we are not gay.
Anyways. On my run a grasshopper was running away from me. Thenl it finally hopped to the side and stared at me as I ran past. It was creepy and I'm almost certain he started to follow me once I past him, but I was too afraid to look back.
I got home and my brother was nice enough to let me have some of his oatmeal squares for breaky! MMMM. After that dream I'm definitely going to have to watch my sugar intake, don't want the sugar monster to come in my sleep and choke me with bitter remorse.
To my credit I next to never drink soda and I hardly ever ever ever get fast food. Unless there's no choice, I suppose. Or if Mom brings some home I may snitch a little. Either way, those are two healthy habits to have in regard to healthy eating. =D
My best friend has turned me into a writer. Though, I almost imagine I had the writer's potential locked away all along and she came along and drew it out. We were sitting at a lake, once, enjoying the view (aren't bff's awesome like that), I said, "I imagine how I might paint this scene." and she said, "that's funny because I'm imagining how I can write it."
Well, while out on my run today, I was imagining how to write things! Where has my artistic mind gone?? Oh, don't worry, it's still there somewhere. I wish I loved to paint as much as I used to. But, the fact is, I'm a lazy artist. Kind of. I'm a perfectionist, I want to get every detail just right. That takes a LOT of time. So, instead of sitting in front of a canvas for 24 hours straight, I span it out to the width of a month! You should see the one I did for my brother for his birthday last year. It's a mammoth.
Yes, yes, the awaited paintings. I keep putting off posting some.
Anyways, after all those rabbit trails, I meant to explain that kick butt time also includes running twice daily. A good friend of mine said, why work out once a day when you can do it twice? You'll get double done! It doesn't harm my body, so, what the heck? Sure! Of course I'll be careful not to strain myself. But it's about time I kick myself into gear. Huzzah! (that's me kicking it into gear)
good for you!!!!!! drink lots of water and eat greens as often as possible too! you can DO it! i expect you to kick MY b-u-t-t next visit!