Sunday, August 7, 2011

How shall they hear without a preacher?

"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" Romans 10:14

Today is the day I go preaching for the absolute first time. 
I went preaching with a good friend, once, but he did the preaching and it was the witnessing sort, walking around and preaching to different sorts of people.
I will be doing open-air preaching, standing in once place and preaching the word to whomever should pass by (unless the Spirit leads me to witness to someone, whatever He leads)

Since about yesterday, I've been bombarded with sickness, worries, fears, near-depression and non-stop headaches. Satan does not want me to get the word out to anyone. This encourages me. Because, if Satan's leaving you alone you're not doing anything provocative. I pray that the word will reach many ears, and that many have the ears to hear (are humble to receive the truth). 
Today I woke up and got out of bed and have a splitting headache. But I'm determined to continue on with plans to preach, standing and walking in faith that I am healed - thank-you God. 

Aside from preaching day, it's also friendship day (usually the first sunday of August). 
My best friend and I are about the only people I know who actually celebrate it by sending each other cards and sometimes gifts. 
We've known each other since 2003. She was the person that lead me to the truth regarding being free from sin, God not knowing the future (because it doesn't exist) and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 
Our friendship was put through fiery trials, literally and emotionally and spiritually. But I firmly believe this friendship was brought together and held together by God. There's no other way we would have survived otherwise. 
She's been a champion best friend, we've been there for each other through all of our heartbreaks and melt downs. It would probably take me all day, maybe two days, to detail every awesome thing about her and our friendship, so I won't. But maybe one day I'll write a book about it. 
Either way, here's to you, buddy! 

What better way to celebrate friendship day which is a celebration of Godly love for one another, than to go preaching out of love, sharing the gospel and giving people the truth?

"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine." 2 Timothy 4:2


  1. Right back at you, pal! Love you tons.

  2. wow, you have gumption! very proud. because even if i don't share your beliefs, there are people out there who need to hear them. and i'm so very happy you and your bff have each other. you uplift and challenge each other so. it's a beautiful thing!


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