Monday, August 15, 2011

Today is Jubilee

In the Bible they had a rule, every fifty years they had the year of Jubilee where all debts were forgiven.
Well, with my mother gone taking care of her mother after surgery, and surprise guests for a week, plus my brothers' tennis tournament over the weekend...our house seemed to explode.
We have daily chores that are randomized by a site called chorebuster. We print them out every day. Some are throughout the day chores, such as dishes, keeping the counters tidy, sweeping the floor, picking up the living room. Others are once-daily chores such as taking out bathroom trashes, cleaning toilets and watering plants. Then there are the royal pain chores such as dusting, cleaning out refrigerators, shoot cleaning out the whole garage! Ok, the last one you just have to sweep the garage and throw away trash. Anyways, my point is, we've grown slack in the chore area the past week. Oi vey, that's an understatement. But the guests left yesterday and the tennis tournament ended yesterday. So, today, we wake up and a nice mess is there to greet us. There's laundry that needs to be folded and a TON of dishes and pots and pans that need washing.

I told Jeffrey that he's "fold laundry" today and he started, right away, "I am NOT folding that laundry." Usually if someone didn't do a chore from the day before I make them do it the next day, usually. Other times I tell the next day person to stop complaining and just suck it up. I told him that today was jubilee and that we're pretty much starting over. He wasn't going for that. So I said, "alright, fine, then you can do.." and I started flipping up the page to look at yesterday's chores. He grabbed my hand and said, "no, no, today is juuubbbilleeeee!" And he looked up to the heavens all dramatically. I'm pretty sure Jeffrey had the dishes yesterday, haha. And now I have them today...

I spent close to two hours cleaning the kitchen (because I was lucky enough to have counters, too!). The dishwasher's going, some more dishes are soaking just for the fun of it, and most of the counters are clean. Furtheryet--there is ZUCCHINI BREAD in the oven.. MMM. I've never had zucchini bread but dad brought in a bunch of zucchinis and said I needed to use them so I looked up a recipe and made them, using the last of our vegetable oil--sadness, mom needs to come home soon as we never seem to buy groceries when she's gone! See how helpless we are without her?

On top of all this, I still have to go for a run today! I haven't run since my last post because the day I did two runs I strained my foot! Ugh, and then came the weekend and I was super busy. The whole twice-daily thing was killing me, only because I hate getting out of bed but, what's more is, I love feeling clean! I usually take showers right before I go to bed so the clean feeling's still there when I wake up, now why would I want to ruin that by running and getting sweaty? Then I'd have to take another shower and have wet hair for hours (blow-drying is not an option). But I will, at least, try sticking to once a day. What's more, is, I want to ride my bike more! Last summer I did a TON of biking and I was a better person for it. Sadly, my biking buddy is out of state right now. COME HOME SOON, YOU!!

You know, cottage cheese is super good. I love it with salt and pepper. Plain and simple. But fat-free cottage cheese is disgusting.
How disgusting? GRANDMA won't even eat it! She eats EVERYTHING! How could she not eat cottage cheese? I had to keep telling her to sit down and eat her cottage cheese while I was cleaning because she kept getting up before finishing! This is such a rare occurrence, I knew it had to be bad. But she finished it, eventually. my youngest brother brought some kind of airsoft gun down to the kitchen. It's like a crazy sniper-rifle thing, and a hand gun as well. He looked at me through narrowed eyes then rested the sniper over his shoulder then walked out.

My BFF is visiting her homeland right now, I mean home state. She'll be gone another week! I'm starting to go crazy, only because we'd talk nearly every single day for at least an hour discussing our book and what we need to do next. It was awesome, actively writing our book. The book has been in progress for six years. We've changed it so many times it's hardly the same book. We started actively writing it around December or January. Then, in July, we had to give some characters a make-over which changed the whole plot. In just a month we managed to edit and rewright about 16 chapters, and then write another 11 chapters after that! We've come to a break in our book which was just in time for BFF's visit. So the lack of buddy time combined with the respite from writing is making me go bonkers. But I'll deal, I always do.
I sometimes think I need a boyfriend, then I'd have someone else to be obsessed with, but then...a boyfriend takes up time! Valuable writing time!! No, I think I'll remain single until I'm 40.

Speaking of which, I think my parents MIGHT actually start to worry that I'm never going to move out. Despite their naysaying and thinking it'd be great for me to stay forever, I do wonder if, beneath their calm expressions they are holding their breath.
You know, Jane Austen never got married. And Beatrix Potter got married when she was OOOLLLD. Perhaps, I wonder, they were just too much into their writing to care to marry.
Well, all that talk is nonsense, I'll be happy with a husband when I get one. Until then I like to go wild and imagine I'll be a crazy bachelorette that lives and breathes writing, and goes on adventures with her equally crazy (and incredibly single) BFF.
And, as you learn to know me, you'll learn to understand that when I say things like this they come with the disclaimer that I live and breathe God before writing or any of that other silliness and all things go according to His will. See, that's just a given that I hardly think to mention it ;)

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