Saturday, April 6, 2013

Antique Lace

I had something important to talk about.. but I forgot what it was. 

I went shopping today, and bought organic stuff. Yeah, like to eat healthy and stuff. You know what I bought? Organic pop-tarttsss.. organic cinnamon toast crunch... organic french fries.... WHAT? Don't judge me--you don't know!

I also got a coffee. It was called "Antique Lace" and it sounded so devastatingly romantic that I had to try it, it was made with Canadian cream (not regular, Canadian. And since Canadians got their bacon right, I figure their cream's probably to die for) and white chocolate. Doesn't that sound delicious? In the literal and non-literal sense.
You just imagine yourself with one of those people that makes your heart race and everything in your life fall into place, swimming around in antique lace with Canadian cream and white chocolate and you figure maybe it's a cup of happiness just waiting to dance on your taste buds! And the next thing you know, you're passing up the Kahlua Mocha Mousse to try this bit of joy out on your eager palate!!
Only to be bitterly disappointed.
To tell you the truth, it's nuthin' special.
It tastes like coffee. I mean, who drinks coffee that tastes like coffee?? Not me, I'm a coffee-flavored sugar drink type person. Not a sugar-flavored coffee drink person. Those people--I'll never have them figured out.

So, this summer job I got, I'll be handling CASH. And I'll be a CASHIER (but it's not bagging groceries, don't even go there). So I had to take a cash handling class. You wouldn't think there was much to handling cash but there is o_O.
After the class (which I got 100% on and they LOVED how I filled out the info on the check, btw *smug*), I came home and then went to Walmart because I wanted dinner and mom and dad were supposed to be going to Bible study so it was like, "well, sheesh, it's just me and Jake and Pete? I'm just going to go buy myself a crumb to eat then."
Mom and dad ended up ditching Bible study and I came home with a tiny little bag of Newman's Own Chicken Florentine. I put it on the stove and mom said I had to cook dinner. I was like *goat face* (oh, I guess you guys don't know what that is, I'll have to post a picture).
Anyway, long story short, I ended up cooking dinner for myself, and they went out to a Mexican restaurant.
Doesn't that just make me seem like some sort of scum? Hey, they were supposed to be going to Bible study. Don't look at me like that. Mom did give me a guilt trip about how it was my night to cook and I was getting out of it. Great, now I feel guilty. I guess I'll cook tonight to make up for it.
So, anyway, after all that, I go to sleep. And I dream about handling cash. Tons of things go wrong in my dream. It was a nightmare. But the highlight is, I got to play around with a real live cash register, yes, it's the small things in life. I was excited. My friend, Laura, was not. She got a job with me and, let's just say, I was the more enthusiastic about the cash register of the two.

On the way home from Wal-mart yesterday, btw, I got a splendid view of the mountains and the valley/prairies that we live near, and to the West were sun-rays shining through these gray and golden clouds, and to the North were these delicious rain clouds. All over you could see the rain coming down in the distance. To the Eastish South, there were blue skies and light clouds. It was all the greatness of weather mixed into one of the best panoramic experiences in the world!
I LOVE this place, sooo much. I think out of all the things I talk about on my blog, I talk about how much I love this place the most. Because it's true. I could not imagine ever leaving it-- well, yes I can.. if it got stripped down and turned into something horrible, like El Cajon, then I'd probably abandon it for Canada. But until then, I'll continue loving it!
I always say, if you want to persuade me to leave, do it in January. January is horribly unromatic. But once you get to March, I'm a goner. And it's downhill from there. April is beautiful but, oh. my. word. May is the most marvelous, magnificent miracle of them all! The lilacs come out! And everything's green and blue and red and purple and yellow and amazuzing!
Why did I say it that way, I hate that way.. but I did it anyway. No, it won't do. "AMAZING". Ok, I feel better.

You know what we need up here? An all organic coffee shop. Give me that in kiosk/drive-thru form and I'm sold. DO ET.

Ok, here's the goat face for you all.
Yes, I know it's a ram. Shut up!
THOUGH. I've found an actual goat face that cracks me up:
It works the opposite way, if they smell realllly bad. Omw, that picture makes me laugh.
By the by, I got called "abrasive" the other day, by a good friend and he didn't mean it as an insult. And I was actually almost a little pleased! What is wrong with me? Of course my co-worker shot me down and said that he was the more abrasive one out of the two. Pff, just rain on my parade. I guess I'm not really abrasive unless I'm being sarcastic. Because when I'm just talking to people I turn into this sort of softy-squishy-smiley-nice-do-gooder. Do you know how much that hurts my reputation as a cold-hearted-abrasive-meanie? Sigh.
Ok, ok, I don't really have that sort or reputation. Reputations are funny that way, they're usually wrong. Character, however, is what you want to look at. Character is what you are. Reputation is usually the wrong idea people get about you :p Sometimes a reputation can be spot on, who knows, but I don't like trusting reputations. Ok, I'm leaving.


  1. I read this entire post as a hyper 16 year old girl. It was humorous.

  2. It was the Antique Lace talking.


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