Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Today is the day of all days. Ok, not really. But it's that controversial day that half the world dreads and the other half hypes up just because they can.
Half the world ignores it. The other half go about showering their significant others in flowers, chocolates, cards, happiness. Ok, not true again. There are those who can appreciate it without going overboard. Like me!
Despite my cynical comments about the holiday the past week or two, I actually enjoyed it!

Pre-Valentine's day included my throwing together some goodies. I put it off til the last minute (so not my style).
I HAD to send my niece and nephew something. I bought some Hershey's chocolate hearts but it was so lame to just send candies. So I glued them onto cards. For Sky I put the hearts in the shape of a flower and drew flowery stuff around it.
For Leaves I used the pointy part of the hearts as spikes on a stegosaurus (he loooves dinosaurs) and drew palm trees and a nerdy little mini dino and stuff.
Quite honestly, they turned out rather well for being hastily put together. I was rather proud of them! A Valentine's Day card they can take apart and eat! :D
I also *had* to send April something. Even though I swore her off as a hopeless non-single... I saw some socks at Walmart.. (We have a thing about socks, they've been constant in our friendship) and they were soooo soft.. I just had to buy them for her.
I also sent her some chocolate hearts and homemade hot coco mix (remember, I was raving about it in the other post).
Then, when I was complaining somewhere, on Facebook or something, my oldest, single, old maid sister, said that I had her for Valentine's Day! So I thought I might send my fellow spinster sister some chocolate hearts and coco (sorry, Bethany, you didn't get socks...)
So I had to throw those together and in a box and toss them at my coworker to mail for me.
I almost thought of sending Rachelle something but she's got a husband, I have no pity for her. :p

Last night I made chocolate chocolate chip cookies. THREE kinds of chocolate chips. They are so good. And the peanut butter cookies with the chocolate hearts in them.
These were little prezzies for me brothers. The least I could do. And for my parents, too. And my coworkers! But I realized it's Thursday, and there's only one at the office today. So he got a plate of cookies all to himself. My brothers seemed to enjoy the cookies.. I know I did.. <_< More than I should have had..
My chocolate-loving brother got me a chocolate rose because he says that chocolate is better than flowers (lol!), which I thought was sweet! He does care!
April surprised me and sent me a Valentine's day gift (phew, glad I got her those socks). I opened that first thing in the morning and--gaspgaspgasp!! Ramin Karimloo's CD!!! <3 <3 <3
This CD was easily the soundtrack for my day. It was playing in the car and in my room all day long. (clicks replay on itunes).

So, keeping with the theme of doing things I don't do.. I decided to take myself to a movie. I think I've only seen a movie on my own once. And I certainly don't go do things on my own on Valentine's day.  I had a free movie ticket so I figured I might as well! I went to see a zombie movie. ANOTHER thing I never do. I hate zombie movies. HATE. And I certainly don't see them in theaters. But this was an exception. You may have heard of it. Warm Bodies. It intrigued me from the beginning. It's about a cute little zombie guy (who narrates the movie) who see's a pretty girl and his heart starts beating again and basically love cures the zombies. So it didn't seem like a typical movie and, as I said, I was intrigued. And, surprisingly, I really liked it. I mean.. it WAS about zombies and it even had some gross zombie-eating-human-brains parts in it. But the other stuff was funny and even endearing. I can't believe I'm actually talking favorably about a zombie movie.. what HAVE I come to?? Did I mention that this date was absolutely free? Score!

When I was sitting in the theater, waiting for the movie to start, I looked around and HALF of the people had phones in their hands and they were staring down at them, hunched over, like they're their life sources.
I shake my head at them. I'm such a smart phone hater right now. People just walk around staring at their phones all the time and I can't stand it! Live a little people!
The ironic part is that in the zombie movie R (the main zombie) imagines life before zombies and how it must have been way more interesting, people connecting and interacting and it cuts to a scene where the people are walking around staring at their phones. PERFECT! I loved that part. It reflects the fact that half the world is zombified by technology.
The other ironic part is, I actually just got a smart phone. It's a Droid but it was just 20 dollars because it was re-purposed. So I figured, "whatev. Just get it." I like to have a map or access to the internet in case of emergencies. I don't intend on using it too often, trust me. With StraightTalk, you get "unlimited" data (which means basically 2gb) so I just shrugged and went for it.
I also dropped off some cookies at Laura's and she gave me a little glittered jar full of chocolates and two lollipops!
When I got home I charged by phone, talked to April for a tad and then did another strange thing, I went to Walmart. I just randomly do this, all the time! I know, I know, it's freaking me out! This life without Facebook.. it's active and interesting.. and not boring! I bought things like free-range chicken and wild and brown rice and organic carrots.
I'm trying to be all healthy and stuff. Or something. I'll let you know how that works out.
Oh yeah, I hurt my toe/foot, so I'm avoiding the tread. Sad day. But I'll get back on! This can't keep me down!!

Then I got home and cooked spaghetti and went to work. I came back and made hot coco and talked to my friend, Laura, and convinced her to apply for a summer job with me. And then me brother, Fergus, walked in and gave me FLOWERS!
Awwwww, it was so sweet. It's good to know that, after weeks of hinting, my brothers didn't ignore their poor, single sister completely.
So, overall, I had a really good Valentine's Day! No sulking spent at all! And, to top it all off, after I get sick of writing I'm going to watch a delicious romance, like Sense and Sensibility or Young Victoria or The Perfect Man. Or all three!
So, happy Valentine's Day everyone!
(and go buy or listen to Ramin Karimloo's CD. I posted his Constant Angel son a few days ago, now you have to go listen to the rest of them, right now. DO IT NOW!)


  1. Awww, well you had a far more action-packed Valentine's Day than I did. I got no candy, no flowers, no movies... just two sick kids. Will didn't even make me a card :'( I asked him to load the dishwasher and he acted like he had just given me a diamond necklace. I'm glad the boys gave you presents... ok, I'm jealous.

  2. Well gee, I overestimated him! Do you want to try on some shoes? Should I send you some coco too? I thought you might be like "GASP! the devil!" because of your juice kick.

    1. 'Do you want to try on some shoes?'

      XD XD XD XD XD

  3. I still enjoy chocolate, I just don't have much of it anymore. Skyla wants me to make certain you know she's sick and therefore, also very poor :P

  4. I love that you called Levi 'Leaves!'

    I can't wait to try my hot cocoa (cocoa, you know, is spelled with an 'a'.) That was so thoughtful of you! I was boycotting Valentine's Day, and now I feel badly for not sending my poor, abandoned. fellow single sister something.

    Cookies sound divine. And dangerous. *reaches for juice*

    Which one is the chocolate-loving brother? Nick?

    I love going to the movies alone. I saw Brave alone. In the middle of the night. It was great.

    You are absolutely right. We are all zombies because of our phones. I am super guilty of this.

    You bought some healthy goodies? Yay!

    What did you do to your foot/toe??

    I love that Fergus brought you flowers. And I love that the name 'Fergus' has stuck. And I love that you did not sulk. Huzzah!

  5. I know it's spelled cocoa-- well I thought cocoa was spelled cocoa and that you could shorten it to coco if it's the cheap powdered mix stuff, because it's not as refined as cocoa. Then again, this homemade stuff is so dignified, it deserves two a's. Cocoaa. Yes.

    Yes, you squashed cabbage leaf.. don't send me anything. And, yes, Nick's the chocolate fiend. And, yes, I am eating wild rice with farm-raised chicken and yogurt dressing for lunch!

  6. Oh, I don't know, I think it was from running a certain way? Sometimes when I'd run on the road my feet would get messed up because I'd push too far or do something funky. Who knows!

  7. Just looking at this post. Those roses are pretty! Me Fergus done well.


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