Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Indecency of it All!

I went to the lake today.
It was nice.
Okay, there's nothing indecent about that, and I know you saw the title of this blog and thought, "oh, interesting! What's indecent?"
So I guess I won't disappoint and talk about it!

At the lake there were people and, of course, these people were there to swim. Which involves swimwear. Catch my drift?
No, I was actually pleasantly surprised. A lot of the bathing suits (in fact most of them) were pretty decent! I was amazed. Mostly shorts and tank tops. I wanted to congratulate those ladies. Good job! If you've seen me swimming, you'd know I look like a nun. I wear bermuda shorts and a running shirt over a swimming suit. I can explain, normally I wear board shorts but I don't fit into my old ones so I just stick with my extra long running shorts :p. And then I normally wear a tank top, but I've been wearing shirts with sleeves because I like to cover my shoulders from the sun (been burned there too many times as a child, yeouch). I'm not one of those people who are like, "you MUST cover every single part of your body!" I wear jeans (not skirts) but I like being modest. In my point of view, if most of the upper thigh is covered and no cleavage is showing, you're good to go. You want to cover up but I'm not going to wear long pants and long sleeved shirts in 95 degree weather :)

Oh, but the men, on the other hand, they were all mostly shirtless. I don't want to see a guy's chest. Cover it up, please!
Women catch flack for causing men to stumble. But they never seem to think the other way around? It'd be better if everyone just covered up so then there would be no distractions.
And everybody needs to get control of themselves! That doesn't give us all excuses to be indecent, no, no. I'd be decent anyway. I don't want people to see my body. That's private! Ladies AND gentlemen, cover yourselves up, have some dignity, for crying out loud. Some bathing suits cover less than your underwear. Underwear is something you shouldn't walk around in public in. Think about it guyyys.

But the bottom line, I was very proud of those ladies at the lake who wore mostly decent swimwear. Bravo to you, ladies! And, well, a least the guys weren't wearing speedos, that would have been extremely distracting, talk about a Luke-face moment right there. Pss, Loud audio, turn down the speaks.

Everyone, especially you young ladies; You should not be embarrassed of covering too much! Don't give into the pressure of this world to show more of your skin. Hold your heads high and dress appropriately!! :)

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