That was what the cashier asked me when I was checking out today.
It was that or, "what kind of a person". Either way, my response was, "Lot's of self-control." Or was it discipline? Either way, same dif.
There are lots of things I'd like to buy, but I just don't see the NEED. And if there's a need (like a new lamp I'm thinking about buying), I go away, think about it for days, weeks and even months, and then finally purchase it.
I have a strict spending budget, you see, buy only what I need and then put everything else in savings to prevent me from buying more. If I want something extra, I've gotta SAVE UP FOR IT.
Okay, so I didn't NEED that box of Annie's macaroni.. (ON SALE), or those two Steaz Teaz.. (ON SALE, and one was for my bro, charity cases are excused, right?). But I did need the other stuff I bought (at the grocery store). And I don't always abide by these rules, mind you. They're more like.. GUIDELINES. Then I went to Walmart, because I'm one of those people that likes to just walk around Walmart and let her mind wander. Take your time, peruse the aisles... and then buy a 10 dollar tube of natural face wash.
You read me.
Say Yes to Blueberries. You might remember a blog post on April 13th (to be exact) where I bought dental floss and Say Yes to Carrots. Well, that face wash is not only super fantastic, but it's lasted me up until now. There's still a few more washes in it, yet! But I like to replace things before they run out.
The Blueberries is a little more expensive and for less! But it's spercial. It's gawt Blueberries (no duh) to fight free radicals, coconut oil to moisturize, apple to refresh and brighten and lemon peel to clean. I know, I'm strange, because I'm excited about a paraben-free natural (95%) facial wash. Oh well!
They also have moisturizers, which I've ignored until now. I'll have to pick some up next time!
Picture snatched off some ulta beauty website |
So I tried this neat little curling trick, you take a stretchy headband and put it on over your hair and then twist your hair all around it and sleep with it in. In the morning you take it out and your hair is curly!
Well, my hair's already curly-ish.. but I'm obsessed with doing this, mostly because it's so simple. And then I get to walk around with curls in my hair all day long. Win-win!
Speaking of Facebook. Oh, no, we weren't. But we are now. Facebook is ruining the world. And, while it's a great way to meet new people and keep in touch with people, I think it's completely destroying us.
For instance. There's this picture that flies around facebook with two rolls of toilet paper on it, depicting the right way and wrong way to hang toilet paper.
Not that I care all that much on peoples' preferences, but now, when I meet someone, I can't just ask, "how do you hang your toilet paper? Over? Or under?" No, instead it's, "oh, yeah, that toilet paper thing on-" "yeah, facebook." "yeah, haha."
There's no personally getting to know anyone. It's getting to know people en masse. Learning about the whole world instead of personally. "*Like* if you remember this." "*Like* if you've ever done that." EVERYone (or almost) relates to it. Who knew we all did the same things? But, now, it takes all the surprise out of finding that out about individual people.
Say goodbye to conversations like, "I used to play that the floor was lava and you had to jump from couch to couch!" "What?? No way, so did I!"
Because now all you have to do is, "*Like*" and, somewhere in someone's brain they think, "oh, hey, that person did that once."
So, anyway, have ya'll heard of Kutless? I don't normally like all their music, but April's brother, Alex, got me their worship CD. And I love it. It's such a great CD. I like almost all of their songs.
One of my favorite songs is, "Give Us Clean Hands" and they do a great rendition. It's a little rock n rollish, but I appreciate it.
AUGH! I just bit my tongue. asdsdsdsjgk.
Crisis over.
Anyway, other songs of theirs that I appreciate are:
What Faith Can Do
Everything I Need
You Save Me
Redeemer (Great version, Keith Green's still rocks though)
I'm Still Yours.
And, one of my absolute favorites, so favorite, in fact, that I'm putting up a video:
Ha, I remember when he did, too. It was, like, three years ago. I forgot to put it on my wishlist for my birthday and I was so disappointed that I did. But, what a guy, he bought it for me and it was a complete surprise! I was so happy. It's one of my favorite CD's.
So, I'm working on a study. Normally I just write motivational little studies and put them up here, but this thing is an actual study with an outline.. and Bible verses that you actually have to LOOK UP. o_O
I do FaithTech studies, and this study is formatted like a FaithTech study. I've never really done something like this before, but I was all excited because it looks all serious and stuff.
Now to actually STUDY. Ha. You wouldn't believe how difficult it has been for me to organize myself enough to start the study. I'm way better at listening to people teach than teaching it myself. But I need to study to show myself approved and not let everyone else do it for me! Are YOU studying to show yourselves approved? It's an important part in your walk. You fill your mind up with God's word so that you can easily fight off Satan's attacks. Anytime you're tempted you can respond with, "it is written." Just as Jesus Christ did when He was tempted, and did you ever see Him sin? NO. Because He didn't give INTO the temptation. That's what it's all about, Jesus freeing us from sin so that we don't ever have to give into temptation again! It doesn't make us invincible to temptation or even sinning, we'll always have a choice and sometimes we might mess up and sin. But you don't have to be a slave to sin any longer! Isn't that wonderful?
Of course, this isn't what my study is about, but it's still a good thing to remind you guys of.
My study is on words, as I think I've said a few times before.
After I'm finished with it I think I'll make a summery and post it on here so that ya'll can read it right quick. I'll put up the outlines, too. But something tells me it will be a while. As I want to to be just right! And gathering such things can take a while.
So--I say so a lot at the beginning of paragraphs, don't I? Who noticed that besides me? Or did no one notice? Either way, by now I've posted pictures of my two different painting areas. The outside one and the inside one.
The outside works when it's warm but not too hot, and not freezing. The indoors one works only when I'm desperate. My brilliant parents created that space for me and I appreciate it! But it's become cramped. Back outside, folks! I need to get back into painting, I truly do. I appreciate art so much and, really, I think I'm an artist under the guise of a writer. I don't dedicate much time to art, but in the depths of my soul I long to. I just lack the motivation. You know what I did to find that word? It was on the tip of my brain but I just couldn't think of it, so I googled, "I lack the" and there it was. Bahahaha. And here I am complaining about technology. Oh but I'm so terrible at thinking of the words I'm thinking. You should hear me talking to BFF, I'm always like, "what's that word?" And she's like "this?" And I'm like "YEAAH!" Such a great pair.
Anyways, woe is to me. Well, not really, the sun is shining and Jesus saves, so no woe! Woe to those who take evil for good and good for evil. That's Biblical right there.
You know, I've noticed that my first letters are only the second largest. I used to do them the largest. Have you noticed? I downsized. It's the economy. But perhaps I'll make them larger again.
Anyway, right now my project is to not be lethargic. I've been quite, lately, and it's got to stop. So I've been working out a lot and *TRYING* to get into writing. I write tid-bits here and there, so that's good. I have so many ideas it shouldn't be that hard. But it is. I let the worries of, "will anyone ever publish this?" stunt my creativity. I oughtta stop that right now and just go write whatever the heck I want!
Well, anyways, that's all for now, folks.