I went down down down and the flames got higher-...what do you mean you don't know who Johnny Cash is?
I'm disappointed in you.
Go look him up on youtube right now. No, here, I'll make it easy on you.
Now watch that and then you have my permission to continue.
Sadly, it took the entire song to post that and now I'm listening to Johnny Horton's Battle of New Orleans- WHAT?? You haven't heard THAT? O.M.W.
Okay, well you're on your own with that one.
Anyways, how've you been? Eh? Yeah, I've turned Canadian since I've been gone. Oh! Deeds by Sanctus Real! Okay, okay! I'm going to stop broadcasting who I'm listening to. It's not my fault these songs don't last forever. I'm just listening to my own little "favorites" play list. So I guess, based on the past three songs I just listed, that gives you a little insight into my life of music. Yep.

Speaking of the smug face. My brother bought me a MUG with the SMUG face on it. That one, right up there! It was an awesome Christmas present.
By the way, while I'm typing this I am wearing a light pink shirt with words on it. Do you know what the words say? If you were me you'd have said, "IDK, my BFF, Jill?" And you would have been RIGHT!
Anyways, so how was your Christmas? Mine was fine, it was a Christmasy Christmas full of Christmas relatives visiting (okay, my sisters). I have to admit, though, I'm a little glad that it's the end of -- OMW 'Gone' by Toby Mac!!! ehem. I'm a little glad it's the end of the holiday season. It's like I was all "oh yay! Thanksgiving and Christmas!" And then, well, I guess my Grandma passed away and that shook everything up. Then we got visitors twice in a month's time so it was like "WOAH! Downpour!" It was fun, for sure, and I do love seeing my siblings but now we can get back to normal life! It seems like it's been "go-go-go!" since June. Everyone was coming or going. Mom was constantly going places, having to go visit her Mom or whatnot. And then my sisters were visiting and we had Tina move in and JB visited and Grandma passed away. It was such a crazy year! But we got a nice little break in October but then it was back to the craziness. So that's why I say it's a little nice because we can all take a nice big breath and get into some sort of routine.
You know what's ironic? Mom used to make up routines for us. When I was growing up I hated the word! But now I need it! Aww, my Mom's birthday is coming up. I was just thinking tonight how sometimes I don't treat my mom as respectfully as she deserves. Sometimes I can be quite the brat. I was reflecting on that, tonight, how I'm in my mid-twenties and I can still act like a brat! Sometimes I want to slap myself. Well, I do, mentally. But, I mean, if I could watch myself in a moment of braterism and then just reach my hand through the screen of time and give myself a good slap and say, "your attitude stinks!" Then I, the slapper, would look smug while the slappee would look something akin to this:

Anyways, routine, yes. I like routine.
The past two months have been havoc! My sleeping habits have been out of whack and so have my chores and working habits!
But I shall overcome! I changed around my room to the arrangement of my liking. I usually move my bed far away from my window in the winter because it's warmer but with my new comforter I think I'll be fine closer to my window. This arrangement helps me with my imagination, I think I write better this way, I do, I really do.
By the way, you shall be proud of me, I have two paintings finished and one waiting--just DYING--to be finished.
Any day now and I'll list them on Etsy. Though I wonder if I should have a few more to offer. Meh, I don't know.
Anyways, the point is, I'm getting work on that!
Writing is another story... sigh... Ever sense the grandma stuff going on with me and BFF in November our book has been on hold. BFF needs a new computer but, until then, she's been scribbling little writings in another book she's writing JUST for me! <3 so happy.
I, as well, scribble down little tidbits of things for other books or our book. Just nothing major.
But! We shall endure this dry writing spell and come out with some juicy creativity that will pour onto the pages.
Well, it's not lack of creativity, it's lack of computer.
But, you'll be happy to hear, we have our first meeting of the year set up! We will read through the last few chapters of our book and decide where we want to go from there. So that makes me happy!
I have many other thoughts but this is about all you're getting out of me.
So, until then, TATAW.
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