Well, after that first snow it all melted off, and then returned with a vengeance!
The other two days have been drenched with snow-filled bliss. Below freezing and an acceptable amount (about five inches in some places it seemed,) I took my cousin sledding for the first time, she had a blast. You should have seen her child-like grin as she slid down a steep hill then said, "I'm moving here for reals." There's something about this place that gets in your blood once you stay here for a prolonged amount of time.
The next day there was more sledding with my niece. She loved it! (Who doesn't?) Then, later that evening, I dragged Nick out to the side of our yard where we have a large hill and we made two different sled runs. He claimed his was better but I liked mine more because it spun you around and was crazy.
My sister flew in last week and I think she brought a flu from the airport. Dad was the one that pointed it out and it seems accurate because none of us go anywhere. Okay, we do, but airports are like the germiest places on Earth.
So the kiddies got sick first, poor things, but then they got better. Then the adults started dropping like flies. When I say adults I really mean big kids. Rachelle, Jeff, Peter. It skipped me and Nick. Yesterday everyone but us and mom and dad were lying around sick as dogs. Nick and I were eating like maniacs because if you're able to eat you ain't sick. So we were constantly eating to prove we weren't going to get sick, I suppose it was a way of walking in our faith not to get sick, I know it was for me. I was trying to go about the day as I normally would. Even still, toward the middle of the day, I started to feel a little drag, and a little twisty in my stomach. But I was like, "nooo!!" And Carah called me and told me to stand firm and not give in to symptoms. That was a good little energy boost. I fled to Wal Mart with Nick to buy provisions and that seemed to help with the energy. I even drank a cheerwine, because I would when I was well, so why not?
It all seemed to work and, in the end, the only credit to give is to God. Thank-you, Father! =)
Now the snow is all melting off. I have mixed feelings about that. I love snow and want it all the time, but I also love the order of nature, the temperature drops, it snows, it builds, it melts, repeat. I know it will be back-- it's only November after all. When the snow starts to melt it feels refreshing, like you can take a deep breath. It's a tiny hint of Spring, I suppose, to keep you sane. Of course I don't need to be kept sane in Winter, snow is not my enemy as it is to some. Except when I have to drive in it...
But I do love it when the snow falls off the giant pine trees, those glorious evergreens, they're... ever so green!
Anyway, Bethany is flying in tomorrow, so we'll have both sisters for Thanksgiving! And my birthday soon after (you'd like to know when, wouldn't you?) I'm still super bummed BFF will not be present. We just had a movie date. We watched Return to Me, the sacred Buddy BFF movie, we watch it together all the time and if we ever watch it without the other it just doesn't seem the same. It's an awesome movie. Bonnie Hunt directed it, so of course it's awesome.
My wisdom tooth is starting to hurt again, but Buddy prayed for it and I'm going to walk in healing and faith for it to be nice and fine. You know you can do that? God wants us to be healthy and whole, what can man do that God can't? Man can only rip out a tooth, or drill a hole in it and fill it with porcelain or gold or mercury. But God can heal. He's the only one that can heal (aside from some of His self-healing creations which He created). No man can heal anything, they can help the body heal, they can give the body man-made mixtures of God-made things that coax or manipulate the body into healing. But God's stuff is the true stuff, it's organic, whole, honest and clean. No funny business. I have no problem with people going to the dentist, though, and not even the Dr's sometimes. I think it's a matter of the conscience. My conscience says to trust in the Lord. If there is ever a time where I might have to go and get my tooth removed, I'll do it if I have peace in it. But I don't want to walk by sight, but by faith. In my experience, man has always let me down. God has never let me down. So, based on the past, I think I'll stick with God.
Anyway, I got some dark purple paint and painted the bottom half of my purple room, then I put white squiggles all over it. It's almost complete, just about three more feet of wall to go. I don't think I'll ever paint squiggles again--or at least for a year. Not en masse anyway. Okay, no promises.
But I like it!
Here is my glowing beacon of light in my room, it just sits there and glows all the time. Not really, it's just a lamp I bought from Wal Mart. I was so happy I committed to buying it. Sooo happy. I'd had my last lamp since I was, like, 11. It had a red shade and red roses on the stand. It was dated and partly broken. Yep, it was time for a new one.
Anyways, that's it for now.
Have a happy Thanksgiving and feel free to pray for my wisdom tooth if you think to. I'd appreciate it.
Love, love, love.
PS: The weird, pink feet hanging from my ceiling is my puppet I got a million years ago. Just FYI.
hurrah for snow, family togetherness, faith and new light!